Frankenstein — A Story in a Story in a Story

Format: 140 ×175mm
418 pages
Typeface: Elido Upright Italic,
Emily Austin, Novel Mono Pro
XCnd, Chantal
Genre: Redesign
University: DWCLA, MSD

私は、メアリー・シェリーの小説『フランケンシュタイン』の異なる 3 人の語り
手を印象付けようとした。私が 1 番楽しかったのは、マクロとミクロのタイポグ

For my redesign of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein I tried to emphasize the three
different narrator’s of the novel. The most enjoyable part was figuring out,
how I can express the individual characters and their situations or occupation
through macro and micro typography, layout-design and choice of paper. In
particular I added illustrations in the Monster’s part to add to the appearance
of him exploring the land and writing his own travel journal. And of course, I
enjoyed the bookbinding process itself and holding the final piece in my hands.