PROMETHEUS or, The Ancient Frankenstein /FRANKENSTEIN or, The Modern Prometheus

Format: 200×400mm
68 pages
Typeface: Fleisch, Mrs Eaves OT
Genre: Rewrite, Illustrated
University: NDU

悲劇的な結末に至るまで、両者の共通点を示すことを目的としている。2 冊の本
が一緒に散りばめられることで、2 人の物語は大きな絵となり、1 冊の本からも
う 1 冊の本への隔たりを埋める文章と挿絵によって、相互に繋がっている。片方
の表紙だけが見えるように閉じて折りたたみ、別々に読むのも良いし、1 冊ずつ
重ねて全く新しい本として読むこともできる。2 つを繋ぐテーマを見つけよ:魅惑、

The Modern Prometheus—Mary Shelley chose the subtitle of her book with good
reason. At first glance, the ancient creator of mankind has little in common with
a manic doctor obsessed with creating life. This project however aims to show
their similarities, from the very beginnings of their tales to their tragic ends. As
two books, sown together, their stories form a bigger picture, interconnected by
texts and illustrations that breach the gap from one book to another. Read them
separately, shut and folded so that only one cover is visible, or lay them out one
atop the other to form an entirely new book. Find the themes that connect the
two: fascination, creation, love, betrayal, death—the thin line between devotion
and hatred.