Millennial Frankenstein

1:38 minutes
Genre: short film
University: MSD

この作品は、21 世紀に生きる若きヴィクターが、一緒にテレビを見るモンスター
ンは、2 人が食事をし、ヴィクターがようやく責任を取るシーンだ。

Millennial Frankenstein is a film about a young Victor living in the 21st century
and creating a monster to watch tv with. Discussing the book we realized that
Victor is about our age when he created the monster and contemplated what
it would be like in our day and age. Victor seemed to us like a very naive and
thoughtless character that can’t take responsibility or feel empathy for his
creation. Meanwhile his creature struggles with finding purpose, connection
and safety. Victor, who suffers the loss of his mother and isolates in his obsessive
studies, seems as lost as his creation. As young adults in today’s complex society
we can relate to struggling with finding our place, purpose and people. In our
film the creature gets born into Millennial Victor’s situation and confronts Victor
about their shared problem’s. Our favorite scene is the ending scene where the
monster and Victor have a meal and Victor finally takes some responsibility.