フランケンシュタイン Frankenstein

Format: 127mm × 223mm
/Book: 150mm × 160mm
Pages: 55
Typeface: DNP 秀英初号明朝
Std、Hina Mincho
Genre: Rewrite, romantic
University: DWCLA

栞とインターネットのブログの投稿を擬似体験できる作品を OHP フィルムを使用

In my work, I have created a person who accepts and loves the artificial man as
he is, which did not exist in the original work. I wrote the film in the modern
era and intertwined it with the problem of lookism. Through this work, I hope
to warn against a modern society that only cares about the appearance of others
and itself. I used OHP film to create a bookmark that can be completed by
connecting cut-up letters and a work that simulates the experience of posting on
an internet blog, so that it can be reminiscent of an artificial human being. We
hope you will enjoy the work as a slightly different kind of book.