Q1. あなたにとって本とは?














I believe that books leave us with great values and knowledge. Although I do not spend much time reading books nowadays, I loved to read in my childhood and spent all day at the library. The knowledge I gained from those books is something I still carry with me today. I feel that books have left us with many things throughout the ages.
Sachi Fukui

For me, books are a gateway to countless different worlds. Books come in many forms and genres, and I think they are dear to people of all ages. I believe that books are not only a source of information but also a gateway to new worlds, as the knowledge and sensibility gained through immersion in a book can often be useful in real life.
Miu Kamifuji

I believe books are indispensable; they convey people’s thoughts as well as facts to future generations. Today, we can instantaneously transmit and receive large amounts of information, but the information on the Internet can disappear at any time. Paper books, however, will remain. The elderly men in Fahrenheit 451, who remember the contents of books, also state, “It is to preserve intact and safe, the knowledge that we may need”.
Asuka Ogawa

I feel that books enrich our lives by providing new values, ideas, and vocabulary. Through books, we can also experience things that are impossible in reality, which strengthens our imagination and spirit. Although we only have one life to live, reading enables us to experience many lives through the eyes of characters in books.
Saki Onishi

I think books are a medium that provides opportunities for fresh ideas. TV, radio, and newspapers transmit a constant barrage of news that people rarely take in and think about for themselves. However, when I read books, I am often left wondering what I would do if such a world actually existed. I believe that books offer ideas and values that I would not have otherwise known.
Maho Sakai

Books exist to broaden our perspective and show us a world that was unknown to us. Through books, we can travel to faraway places that we normally could not reach or that do not exist, and immerse ourselves in the impossible, leading us to broaden our horizons. Through characters in books, we are able to explore new worlds.
Akane Ozaki



This is a complex issue. I imagine that too much freedom may lead to a lack of control and order. However, I felt deeply concerned and fearful for the people in Fahrenheit 451 who simply spend their time without thinking for themselves. I believe that the world should be a place where people are free to think and act freely, and where individuality is respected.
Sachi Fukui

I don’t think a society without any control is necessarily a good thing. It is a fact that people’s lives are sometimes protected by the existence of surveillance cameras and GPS. However, if technology continues to advance at the current pace, a society in which AI completely monitors everything may not be far off. I hope the world will not become a place where even our thoughts are controlled.
尾川明日花 Asuka Ogawa

I think that names and addresses should be managed, but our thoughts and actions should remain our own, as I feel that we would no longer be ourselves knowing our actions were constantly being monitored. With too much control, we will all cease to be unique in our thoughts and actions, resulting in an incredibly dull world.
酒井真帆 Maho Sakai

Being controlled is easy and makes it convenient to shift responsibility. Sadly, not everyone can be a “good person,” so I believe a degree of control is necessary to maintain order. However, freedom allows people to think and make decisions for themselves, rather than passively. If people are controlled, neither people nor society will develop, which will only lead to idleness.
笹田雪乃 Yukino Sasada
ある程度管理されるべきだと思う。 理由としては、人間は一人一人、性格や考え方が違うため、自由にしてしまったら争いばかり起こってしまうと考えるからだ。平和に生きていくためには人間同士の協力が必須であるため、性格の違う人間が協力するためにこそ制度はあってもいいと考える。

I believe that human beings should be governed to some degree. My rationale is that humans all have distinct characters and ways of thinking, and if they are left free to do as they please, they will ultimately end up in conflict. Since cooperation among human beings is essential for living in peace, I believe a system should be in place to enable people with different personalities to cooperate.
Miyu Ushidate

The problem with freedom is that too much of it results in anarchy. This is deadly to any form of society, especially because not everybody is good. Hence, it is absolutely necessary to regulate human cohabitation. However, this does not have to end in total control as you see in most science fiction media. Control can also be subtle through conditioning. Tell someone they are free, and they believe it to be true.
Ylva Tanghe



I would choose my eyes as I enjoy photos and videos. It would be wonderful if I could capture what I see as a photo or video. I like to imagine that my mood or emotions would be reflected as a filter and take on a tangible form.
尾崎緋音 Akane Ozaki

Personally, I would not want any part of my body to be replaced as I believe that all parts of my body are crucial to define me as a person, including my imperfections. However, if I had to choose, I would choose my hands because I cherish my ability to create small projects, be it arts and crafts or electronics, and this could help me achieve a higher level of detail.
チャン・パク・ホー、パコ CHAN, Pak Ho. Paco

If possible, I would like to replace my hair with robots and add an extra memory to my brain. In my daily life, I often face situations where I would like to have more than two hands to help me do something. Therefore, if all my hair could be replaced, I could not only save the cost of cutting my hair, but I could also type a thousand words a minute, or weld without any braces. I often forget deadlines or what people say to me if I don’t write them down, so it would be great if I could have extra memory.
LEUNG, Wai Man. Carl

If I was to choose a part of my body to be replaced by machinery, I would have my heart replaced. It is believed that our body is just skin and bones that listen to our mind, our brain. Yet, we humans often feel with our ‘heart’. Our heart literally beats faster when we are nervous and aches when we are heartbroken. I wonder if we are like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz, capable of loving without a heart.
ワン・ホー・ヤン。ワン WAN, Ho Yan. Wan

I personally would not prefer any part of my body replaced by robotic parts because it reminds me of something out of a horrifying scientific fiction and its unimagined consequences. I think humans are very special and unique on their own, so I would not prefer any modifications.
CHEUNG, Chun To. Toby

If the technology is mature enough so that each replaced part would be fully functional, then I would replace my limited brain with robotics because it always functions too slowly and not to my liking. I would like to know the feeling of having full control over my own thoughts and emotions. I am not so sure if my brain were replaced whether I would still be considered human, but I am curious to find out.
WU, Chun Ming. Jimmy



​​I think it is due to an abundance of ideas. Sometimes I feel suffocated by so many ideas. As the character Beatty said, he would be happier if he just gave up thinking. I think it is essential to have one’s own thoughts to not lean toward dangerous ideas.
福井沙知 Sachi Fukui

I think it is because books contain the author’s thoughts. A book is full of information that the author wants to convey. If the reader can be discerning about the information, then there is no problem, but if the book contains a dangerous idea, then it can be problematic because it may be transferred directly to the reader.
Miu Kamifuji

Books are a way to learn new things that you did not know before. Therefore, any book can stay with you in the form of knowledge. However, in Fahrenheit 451, it was feared that reading would raise awareness and cause people to question the status quo.
尾川明日花 Asuka Ogawa

Reading not only technical books, but also novels and children’s books, can lead to the acquisition of a kernel of knowledge. Knowledge gives people ideas, which may be dangerous in that the generation of ideas can cause division and war. However, in order not to create conflict, knowledge is also necessary.
笹田雪乃 Yukino Sasada

I believe that books, as well as other types of mass media, can be dangerous in the sense that they can easily influence the population with “wrong” ideas that spread like wildfire. Ever since the first handwritten books, and especially after Gutenberg, they have passed on knowledge and shaped popular belief, making them dangerous in the wrong hands.
ティアーゴ・M・バロス Thiago M. Barros

If the technology is mature enough so that each replaced part would be fully functional, then I would replace my limited brain with robotics because it always functions too slowly and not to my liking. I would like to know the feeling of having full control over my own thoughts and emotions. I am not so sure if my brain were replaced whether I would still be considered human, but I am curious to find out.
イライダ・ディンチ=イェニヨグル Ilayda Dinc-Yenioglu



Contrary to what many people think, science fiction is not only for entertainment purposes. This genre can teach us a lot about human nature and about how different societies may see the world at different periods throughout history, as well as bring attention to issues that society could be facing in the future if the situation is not improved.
ティアーゴ・M・バロス Thiago M. Barros

What we can learn from science fiction novels is that no matter how wrong the idea that someone had to write it down, at some time someone will have the same idea and make it a reality. Most books deal with the distraction of the masses, be it through entertainment, drugs, consumerism, or working to survive, and only a handful of people are aware of what is actually going on. In fact, we face this in current times as well. It should be time for people to start acting and stop believing.
イルヴァ・タンゲ Ylva Tanghe

I think that there are two main takeaways. First, even in the worst situations like a dystopia, hope survives and we can always find a way out. Second, the human mind is a fascinating thing in which creativity and ingenuity know no bounds and everything is possible if we can dream it, making it our defining feature. Cogito, ergo sum.
CHAN, Pak Ho. Paco

I think we can learn that people’s imagination and creativity are vital to progressing to a better society. Technology that seems fictional may one day come true and greatly affect our daily lives. Every great idea starts with creativity, imagination, and good design.
YEUNG, Wai Yue. Nathalie

I think that science fiction gives us insight and direction regarding the future. I think that some products and technology originate from ideas proposed in science fiction. The imagination of different authors can give us many ideas, waiting for us to visualize.
WONG, King Sang. Anson

There are many things we can learn from science fiction as it has often inspired what we have today. I think the most important thing to learn is how to dream and imagine with no limits. During the design process, it is important if not crucial to come up with wild and crazy ideas, which is exactly what science fiction does all the time.
WU, Chun Ming. Jimmy



I believe the difference is the presence or absence of emotion. Robots can easily do things that humans could never do. However, robots do not have emotions. Perhaps it is feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure that convince us we are human.
尾川明日花 Asuka Ogawa

The main difference is that every human is unique. Humans think for themselves and act based on those thoughts, while robots cannot. Without our individuality, there would be no difference between humans and robots.
酒井真帆 Maho Sakai

There are obvious differences in our composition, but the most important difference is that we have emotions. Humans have feelings and robots do not. Robots cannot be moved, or hurt.
柚木知咲季 Chisaki Yuki

The difference between robots and humans is logic. A computer is based on mathematics and a person’s behavior on intuition and feelings. People’s behavior doesn’t make sense, which is why the world faces a lot of problems. A robot calculates the best solution for the problem, while a person evaluates the best solution for themself.
Ylva Tanghe

I think the difference between humans and robots is simply how complex their thinking or logic is. Looking at the history of computers, I believe it is possible that in the future there will be robots capable of handling countless amounts of data and memories. If that time comes, I don’t think I could tell the difference between them, but at this moment, I would say that robots are more like a tool than our friends in human society.
LEUNG, Wai Man. Carl

The biggest difference would be independence. Humans are not machines with pre-written codes and parameters. We make false judgments and irrational choices, but are often humane and base our actions on emotions instead of logic. Unlike robots or even artificial intelligence nowadays, we understand that motives cannot be described as right or wrong alone. We are imperfect, and that’s what makes us human.
LAM, Chun Yin. Jervis



I’d like to go 200 years into the future. It might be a time when anyone could easily travel to space. I’m also curious to see how humanity has dealt with climate change and the decreasing population.
Itsuki Yoshioka

I would want to travel to the future. Based on the current pace of technological advancement, I believe that human civilization will make a huge leap in the coming decade. Mars colonization may become a reality and humans will become a multi-planetary species, gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the universe. I am really looking forward to seeing this by traveling to the future.
CHEUNG, Chun To. Toby

I would choose to travel to the end of the 21st century, when the predicted dystopian future of climate change could have happened, while regular commercial martian journeys would be realized. Knowing how we would have solved major issues is intriguing enough for me to want to time travel there. I am also curious about the evolution of artificial intelligence and whether we would have contained their exponential growth or not.
LAI, Yue Hin Alexander



I think we should convey the importance of books. In the 21st century, we have conveniences like social media, and as media continues to develop, it improves its ability to convey information. We should take advantage of this, and not only convey the joys of reading books but also that straying from books takes us down a dangerous path.
柚木知咲季 Chisaki Yuki

Simple. You must read books. You can think only by reading, and if you repeat your thoughts, it becomes a memory. When a memory is formed, it becomes information, and only when information is transmitted to future generations, books will be preserved.
アリ・キム Ari Kim

There are barely any handwritten books published today, so I wouldn’t mind living in a world with only e-books. However, written literature must be preserved in one form or another. Reading culture is becoming less prominent among gen Z due to the vast majority of articles being online news, our lives getting faster paced, and hence reduction of attention span. Reading culture should be preserved too.
LAI, Yue Hin Alexander



First, I would try going to sleep, because there is a chance that I would wake up and it would have all been a dream. If it was not a dream, I would have to find some way of co-existing with the robots.
Miu Kamifuji

I would like to become friends with a robot who could fly, and be carried on their back as they fly. I would also like to make lots of robot friends, and go hiking or cycling with everyone. If there were robot musicians, I would like to go to their concerts.
Itsuki Yoshioka

If there were only robots in the world, I would not even exist. I would like to imagine that world to have traces of human life, where robots would be able to see the beauty and wonders of the human mind through our creations; through our books, music, paintings, and more.
WAN, Ho Yan. Wan

I would accept the fact that there are only robots in the world. I would like to understand what kind of differences there are between a primarily human world and a robot-only world. Are robots really better than humans in all aspects or do they have self-consciousness? What kind of culture would they develop? Those are the questions I would want to explore in a robot world.
YEUNG, Wai Yue. Nathalie

In the future, once artificial intelligence (AI) develops to have the same kind of self-learning and problem-solving ability as humans, I think humans will need to evolve to avoid being totally replaced by robots. Combining humans with AI may possibly be a solution or the only solution.
CHEUNG, Chun To. Toby

I wonder if this means that I would also be a robot if I would be the only human. If all robots looked like humans, then it shouldn’t make too much difference as we might even be living in such a world right now. Imagine that I am actually an artificially intelligent robot human who is generating these words and you, a human, are reading them right now. It is already achievable with modern age technology.
WU, Chun Ming. Jimmy



I think it would be incredibly boring and the scope of our lives and perspectives would narrow. We would lose opportunities to gain new values and ideas, and I do not believe a world where one cannot go to fictional realities and experience other lives through books would be worthwhile.
Saki Onishi

I would feel like freedom and creativity would be diminished since books are there to express exactly that. There would also be a huge lack of knowledge since that is what books mostly carry as well.
ジェナ・レーマン Jenna Lehmann

Permitting publications means permitting thought, communication, and interpersonal realities, hence the downfall of social constructs. When society breaks down, humankind fails because we are evolved to survive in social groups.
CHAN, Pak Ho. Paco

I would feel enormously saddened since books are an essential part of my life in many regards. They play a very important role in my intellectual growth as well as mere daily entertainment. I read at least one page every night before sleeping and simply cannot imagine not being able to read a new book. The results would be catastrophic for all society.
ティアーゴ・M・バロス Thiago M. Barros

I would feel as if those in power are trying to control me more than is necessary. If I were born into an era where publishing is controlled, I would live in conformity unless I came into contact with books. If I had already experienced a freer time, I would be repulsed if books were suddenly banned.
アリ・キム Ari Kim

I would see it as a further step to control people. It would violate freedom of speech and the accurate depiction of history, as well as move towards decimating concentration and the will to think. History proves that entertainment keeps people calm. If publishing books was prohibited, I would certainly not be happy about it, but I wouldn’t be surprised, either.
Ylva Tanghe



One science fiction novel that I enjoy in particular is The Giver by Lois Lowery, which tells a story of survival in a dystopian world without pain and suffering in order to highlight the significance of knowledge preservation and learning from our mistakes and experience. To quote the book, “Even trained for years as they all had been in the precision of language, what words could you use which would give another the experience of sunshine?”
CHAN, Pak Ho. Paco
私が読んだ中で最も面白かったのは、ベルナール・ヴェルベールの『われら、神々』(Nous, les Dieux)だ。この小説は死後の命と人間存在の根拠についての深い問いを投げかけ、この問題を考えるための新たな経験を与えてくれた。

The most interesting science fiction novel I have read is Nous les Dieux by Bernard Werber. This book asked profound questions about the afterlife and the reason for human existence, which gave me a fresh new experience thinking about these problems.
YOON, Dawoo

It would be Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. In Asian languages based on Chinese characters, we often add the word ‘人’ to describe anything assembling a man. Just like clones ‘克隆人‘ and robots ‘機械人‘, they might not be real men but the novels made me wonder what makes us human.
WAN, Ho Yan. Wan


Guy Montag

I felt most similar to Montag as I am easily influenced by those around me and, like Montag, will not question society without some sort of catalyst to do so. If I were in Montag’s position, I also would not question a society that banned books without first meeting Clarisse or witnessing the burning of an elderly woman’s house for hiding books.
Saki Onishi

It is indeed hard to choose only one character since many have characteristics that are like mine. However, if I had to choose, I would say Montag because he is skeptical and suspicious, yet has a good heart and is also conflicted on many occasions. I can relate to all of these qualities, as well as the fact that he sometimes gets a bit lost in routine. Performing daily tasks automatically without thinking much also happens to me.
Thiago M. Barros

The character I could relate to the most is probably the main character, Montag, since I love reading and also try to break free from the norms sometimes. He also seems like an intelligent and sensitive person, yet conflicted at times, which are character traits that I would say I have as well. 
Jenna Lehmann

I actually loved Montag because he did not settle. He lost everything he had but still questioned and deconstructed his life for a better, fuller, and real life.
Ilayda Dinc-Yenioglu

I can relate to the protagonist Guy Montag the most. He is in such a confusing situation. On the one hand, he is surrounded by brainwashed people who are annoyed by discussion and thinking, and on the other hand, he listens to the ideas of the free-spirited. He is in fact quite free-spirited himself, which helps him to get more into it and make people work with him as well.
Ylva Tanghe
ミルドレッド。 ミルドレッドは作中で小型のイヤホン「巻貝」を耳にはめながら、壁に映る映像にのめり込むというシーンがある。これを私もよくやってしまう。また、ミルドレッドの悪く言えば周りに流されやすく、良く言えば平和主義な部分が私自身と少し共通していると感じた為選んだ。

I felt most similar to Mildred. In one scene, Mildred is immersed in the images projected on the wall while wearing a small set of earphones. I often do this myself. I also chose Mildred because I felt that she has a little in common with me in that she is, at worst, easily swayed by her surroundings and, at best, a pacifist.
Sachi Fukui

I feel like Mildred is the most similar to me because I am the type of person who is easily influenced by those around me, for better or worse. However, unlike her, I have a certain degree of firmness of will within myself, so I do not think I would get carried away. Reading this book reminded me that I want to be discerning about information and take in the good parts.
Miu Kamifuji

I did not feel like anyone particularly resembled me, but I felt some similarities with Mildred regarding the fact that we have taken it for granted that we live in a world constantly bombarded with vast amounts of information. For example, I and most of the people around me are glued to our phones on the train. At home, I watch TV or use a computer. I live in a state where I have to be constantly informed.
Asuka Ogawa

I felt the most similarities with Mildred. I am easily influenced by others and do not usually question what is going on around me. My day-to-day life is ordinary and stable like many others. Therefore, I admire people like Clarisse who live a fulfilling life while constantly thinking critically.
Maho Sakai
Clarisse McClellan

With a hint of wishful thinking, I would say Clarisse. She knows things that others do not, and she feels a sense of superiority, much like when I was a teenager. I do not have the power to influence and deceive others as she does, but I like to investigate things that others do not pay attention to.
Yukino Sasada
クラリス。 クラリスと似ていると思ったところは、人間観察が好きなところと、よく外出して目につくものについて色々考え事をするところだ。 また、その性格を通して、クラリスがたくさんの知識を持っていたことで、モンターグが本の必要性を感じることができたところが素敵だなと感じた。

I would say Clarisse. What I found to be similar to myself was her love of people-watching and the fact that she often went out and thought deeply about what she observed. I also really liked that her personality and knowledge allowed Montag to feel the need for books.
Miyu Ushidate

I saw myself most in Faber, as I felt we were similar in our cowardice; we question society yet hide in fear. I aspire to be more similar to Clarisse, who is honest about what she thinks and does not care how others view her, while I care too much about other people’s opinions. Therefore, if I existed in the world of Fahrenheit 451, I would probably live in a similar manner to Faber. 
Chisaki Yuki
ラウンジ壁の中の住民  自身で自身が誰かに操られていたとしても気が付かないだろうと思ったから。もしも何か問題があったとしてもその場が楽しければ無視できることの方が多いと思う。実際他のラウンジ壁の住人やミルドレッドと壁の中で楽しく生活をしているので問題はないと感じた。

I felt most similar to the people within the parlor walls because if I was being manipulated by someone, I probably would not even notice. Even if I encountered problems, I would most likely be able to ignore them as long as I was entertained. In fact, as I would be enjoying my life alongside Mildred and others entranced by the parlor walls, I do not think there would be any problems at all. 
Akane Ozaki

No one. While I did search, nobody stood out as being similar to me. However, if I was to become one of the characters, I would like to be the operator. I’m very curious as to what their work is like. For example, I’d like to know what they discuss with their co-workers during their lunch breaks. To me, out of all the characters, the operator leaves the strongest impression. 
Itsuki Yoshioka

I do not know. Since I am still figuring out what kind of person I am, it is difficult to say that I am similar to any one character. I have Faber’s timid side, Clarisse’s weirdness and naivety, Mildred’s tendency to settle for reality, and Montag’s curiosity and rebellious spirit.
Ari Kim